senasys machine
Other Machining Services
Senasys machine, formerly Cliff Industrial, recognizes the cost effectiveness of rebuilding a piece of equipment utilizing original components to reduce the cost for the customer. Repairing and rebuilding worn or damaged machinery takes top priority because we understand that down time means production and revenue loss.
Metal resurfacing and rebuilding is a cost effective alternative to purchasing new metal components.
You probably don’t think of Senasys Machine as the place to go for a replacement or a copied part. Yet you probably should be. We can make you a replacement part be it a part for a paper mill press. Or something straight forward like a handle on a hospital cart. Most times we can get you your part faster and cheaper than if you were to buy new. We all know ordering parts from Germany or paying shipping from China is expensive and timely. If your machine goes down, you’re not making products and you’re losing money.
our capabilities
We have a 30,000 square foot facility that houses a CNC Mill, CNC Lathe, 3 CNC Screw Machines and more!
high quality
Highly training & experience work force, with an equipped QA department insuring each part is inspected before leaving our facilities.
fast turn arounds
Turn around times vary by job with most taking 1-2 weeks or less. Same day and next day options available.
We offer customers competitive pricing to keep your costs within budget.
Contact us for a free estimate!
ARC, PTA, oxy-acetylene & thermal spray welding
resurface or regrind anvils, sleeves, rolls & shafts!
Custom Machining Services
Many customers bring us a design concept. With our skilled machinists, we are able to make this design come to life, even if it’s more than what our capabilities offer.
Senasys Machine delivers expert welding and fuse hardfacing services designed to refurbish and reinforce the metal components used in a variety of industries. These solutions extend the useful life of these components, making them more resistant to wear, corrosion, abrasion and heat.
Metal rebuilding, or resurfacing, is a metalworking process in which a welding material is sprayed or fused onto the surface of a metal component to increase its resistance to wear or restore it to its original condition. It is applied to the using a variety techniques that include
Components manufactured from cast iron, stainless and manganese steel, copper based alloys, cobalt based alloys or nickel based alloys can benefit from the overlay of a hardfacing material when they become worn or need to be upgraded.
The type of material applied to your components depends on their composition. Different base metals require different overlays. Whether you need to repair a worn component or want to make one more resistant to damage, Senasys Machine knows which material to apply and how to apply it to achieve the required standards.
Our steel rebuilding services can improve the performance and extending the useful life of wear rings, boiler tubes, plungers, mill hammers, compressor rotors and many other metal components.
We can also resurface or regrind anvils, sleeves, rolls and shafts!
We all have a bottom line. Whether you’re in purchasing and looking for the best deal on a replacement part or the maintenance head looking for parts. We all have a job to do, the problem is it’s often on someone else’s time and budget. This means you need it right and you need it now. So you have two options, pay to have a brand new part shipped from where ever your machine is from, likely Germany or Switzerland. The part will be original, but shipping and the time are going to kill your bottom line. Many problem parts can be fixed by a competent welder and a resurfacing job. So why pay to replace it when you can save by fixing it?
You can rely on Senasys Machine to provide high quality steel rebuilding services and resurfacing services at competitive prices. We know how much your business depends on having parts that perform to specification.